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Tony Wang

Head Office

As a Visual Designer, my main responsibilities involve crafting captivating social media content and overseeing the production, and editing of both video and photo materials. I was drawn to this job by my profound passion for visual storytelling and the impactful nature of design in conveying messages and emotions. The role enables me to fuse creativity with technical skills, allowing ideas to come to life visually. My aspirations in this role include consistently producing stunning designs that effectively communicate our brand message, contributing to project growth with innovation, and continuously refining my skills. A unique aspect of my job lies in the delicate balance between creativity and strategic communication, where every visual element serves a purpose. In three words, I’d describe myself as innovative, detail-oriented, and collaborative. Outside of work, I indulge in scuba diving, skiing, and video games, often playing through the night during weekends. I find inspiration in Albert Einstein’s words, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination,” a motto that fuels my creative journey.

Tony Wang

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