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4 things to note for f n b interior designs

Have you ever crossed a restaurant off your list of “restaurants to visit” because of its unappealing interior design, or considered visiting a restaurant because of its gorgeous interior? In today’s day and age, besides the quality of food served at a restaurant, bar or cafe, its interior plays an important role in attracting customers. 

Beautifully designed food establishments may see snaking queues even during off-peak hours, whereas those that do not invest in the appearance of their space may lose out to those that do.

In order to create successful interiors that can attract and retain customers, there are some important things you need to take note of. Here are some tips we have for you. 

1. Conceptualise

Food establishments are no longer simply places for people to fill their stomachs. Restaurants today must learn how to deliver a dining experience to their customers in order to achieve success in the F&B scene and stand out from the competition.

The dining experience can be as simple as making your customers feel as if they flew overseas for a meal, or as though they entered a new space for a one-of-a-kind dining experience. For example, making them feel as if they’ve stepped into a scene from a Harry Potter film. 

restaurant concept with f n b scene

The interior design of your restaurant will differ depending on the type of restaurant you own. Your fine dining restaurant should reflect affluence, luxury, and elegance. In contrast, the interior of a casual burger joint can be fun, vibrant, and quirky.

In addition to setting the tone for your restaurant concept, you should think about the cuisine you’ll be serving. When you sell Mexican food, you wouldn’t decorate your restaurant with Japanese cultural elements. It will not only confuse your customers, but it may also prevent you from attracting the attention of the customers you should be attracting – those who enjoy Mexican food.

2. Use The Right Colours

The use of colour is very important in F&B interior design. They reflect the theme of your restaurant and even help with branding. When you pay attention to the colour you use in your restaurant’s interior and branding, you can influence how your customers feel about your brand and the experience they get dining with you.

Research has shown that the colours red and yellow stimulate appetite, which is why they are frequently used in F&B branding. Some colours, such as blue, may appear unappetising, but the emotions they elicit in people is why they are used in F&B interior design

Learn more about the psychological effects of colour here: Choosing The Perfect Colour For Your Home

3. Consider Lighting Options

Depending on the theme of your eatery and the emotions you want to evoke, lighting can also make a significant difference in your F&B interior design.

Although natural light is the best option, it may not always be available in some F&B establishments. In that case, it is important to curate your lighting placement in order to create visual interest and an atmosphere that is appropriate for your theme.

f n b interior design with lighting fixtures

Yellow lights, golden lights and even warm white lights are recommended across all types of restaurants because they create a warm atmosphere for a comfortable dining experience. The lighting fixtures you choose can also affect the interior of your restaurant. 

Large chandeliers should be used in large spaces with high ceilings to increase cosiness and intimacy, while small accent lights or track lights should be used in small restaurants to make the interior appear more spacious.

4. Space Planning

Lastly, space planning is crucial in F&B interior design. This is because restaurants that are too cramped can make diners feel uneasy, whereas wide open spaces can make the atmosphere appear too cold and the interior too sparse. 

Aside from ensuring adequate space between diners, it is also important to ensure that diners can easily locate the washroom, payment counters, or condiment bars. All of these factors contribute to their dining experience at your restaurants and should not be overlooked.

Regardless of what you want to do with your interior, it is never a bad idea to engage interior design services in order to create a successful F&B interior design that will help you attract and retain customers.

At Starry Homestead, our interior designers provide exceptional interior design services to help restaurant owners create beautiful concepts for their eateries. Contact us today to see how we can transform empty spaces into stunning restaurants for the perfect dining experience.

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