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5 Mistakes To Avoid When Doing Your BTO Home Renovations

About to collect the keys to your new home and excited to begin your home transformation journey? Before you get started with choosing your home interior design, wall hacking, carpentry work, and more, there are a few key things you’ll need to know in order to prevent yourself from having regrets in the future.

Whether you’re planning to sell your home after its Minimum Occupancy Period or stay in it for the rest of your life, it is important to renovate your home such that it adds convenience and comfort to your life. In this article, we share with you some mistakes you must avoid when planning for your Build-To-Order (BTO) home renovation.

1. Failing to adhere to HDB Renovation Guidelines

When it comes to HDB home renovation, whether for BTOs or resale flats, all works must be conducted according to HDB’s renovation guidelines. This guide outlines what can and cannot be done, and works that require a permit. Failing to adhere to these rules may result in a court fine of up to $5,000. Any unauthorised works may also be asked to be reinstated to their original state.

The HDB renovation guidelines are difficult to understand if you don’t specialise in construction. Hence, working with an HDB-approved renovation contractor is important. These people have the knowledge and expertise to know what needs to be done, and can even handle all permits for you.

2. Following interior design trends blindly

It is common for homeowners to take inspiration for their homes from online sources and add anything that looks aesthetically pleasing to a collection of references. While this is a great way of telling your interior designer what you envision your home to be, it may not always be the best idea.

Latest interior design trends are nice to look at and a sign of how stylish you are. However, following them blindly without understanding the correct way to use them and how to make them everlasting can be disastrous to your interior in the long run.

Learn More: Interior Design Trends of 2023

Trends come and go, and what is loved widely today may go out of style quickly tomorrow, which isn’t ideal if you’d like to build a timeless home. What you want to do is pick out design elements, colour palettes, and other decorations that can withstand the test of time.

3. Choosing an interior design firm without careful consideration

Engaging the wrong people for your home’s interior design and renovation work can cost you lots of money and even waste a lot of your time. You may even be forced to oversee most of the renovation work yourself. This is why the interior design firm you choose is crucial—you’ll be able to see your dream home come to life without hiccups. The professional designers have the right skills, knowledge, eye for detail, and meticulous attention to conceptualise a design that’s perfect for you and your family.

Choosing an interior design firm without careful consideration-home renovation

In addition, they can help oversee the entire home renovation process and liaise with the contractors and workers to ensure that all works are conducted properly with the correct materials. With their assistance, you can spend your time handling other more important tasks.

4. Not conducting defects check

HDB BTO flats, although constructed by trustworthy contractors, tend to have defects too. Before you commence renovations, it is important to conduct a defect inspection to ensure that there are no issues with your flat. Any problems you find can be highlighted to your development’s Building Services Centre within 30 days of key collection and they will carry out the repairs. You may check out this guide to find out more about defect inspection and/or engage a specialist to conduct the check for you. Do note that after starting renovation, the building contractor may not be liable for any rectification works as it will be difficult to ascertain the cause of damage.

5. Opting for renovation packages

Ever seen attractive home renovation packages offered by different interior design firms in Singapore? We hate to break it to you, but these packages only offer you the bare minimum service and a basic selection of work that limits what you can do and forces you to pay for add-ons to create a more complete interior. The additional services may accumulate to a sum larger than if you were to engage a different interior design firm offering more customisation flexibility.

Opting for renovation packages-home renovation

We understand that having waited years for your keys, you’d like to quickly get your home renovations over and done with so that you can move in as soon as possible. However, much like everything else you do in life, renovation takes time, and doing proper planning will only yield better results. Instead of rushing through it, why not start planning early and give everyone more time to make better decisions? It’s completely fine to be the last one moving into the new estate.

Is this your first time planning for a home renovation? Don’t let the complicated process hinder you from achieving your dream home. Starry Homestead is an interior design firm with years of experience designing beautiful homes for new homeowners in Singapore. Begin your home renovation journey with us today.

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