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It is no surprise that the pandemic has transformed most office spaces. While many people are still working remotely from home, others have returned to their offices, even if only for a few days a week and many spaces look vastly different. 

Office interior design can be tough. Not only does the office interior design have to be functional, but it has to be cost-effective as well. More companies are keeping safety and comfort in mind when brainstorming elements for commercial interior design. Today, companies are continually seeking ways to preserve a healthy and happy working environment while enhancing productivity, from design aesthetics such as natural lighting and greenery to a greater focus on safe, protected workstations. Here are the 5 latest design trends for commercial spaces:

1. Deep and cool tones

Desktop Workspace interior Design

Neutral greys with accents of rich plum and muted, earthy greens are among the most trendy commercial interior design colour schemes today. We think that it has to do with how the colour green reflects the natural beauty of nature. Adding charcoals and greys with a hint of greens to your colour scheme might help in boosting productivity within your workspace as the colour green represents harmony, nature and restoration. Green proves to be a great colour in office spaces that require people to work long hours since it’s the easiest colour on the eyes. It’s also a great colour to use anytime a sense of balance is a top priority, which is why it’s commonly found in medical offices as well.

2. Colour blocking

Conference Room Interior Design

Colour blocking is a unique technique in which colour and texture are used to boldly segment space. The idea of having a fresh coat of vivid colours breathes life into any space instantly. To make the wall stand out, use neutrals or whites, or opt for furniture in the same colours as the wall for a consistent look.

Colorful Coffee Shop Design

Ceilings with a statement are now a thing. Rethinking your commercial space as if it had five walls instead of four can add a whole new depth to your interior design process. We enjoy the impact of having a strong paint colour overhead, especially in a chic cafe.

3. Peranakan tiles

Office Pantry Interior Design

Floor tiles can easily make or break your office interior design. To add visual interest and texture to your floor, mix and match different shapes, patterns, and colours of tiles. You can never go wrong when you experiment with Peranakan tiles. Not only do they add a nostalgic feel to your commercial space, but they also give your space more character. However, adding patterned tiles can make the space appear cluttered, so we recommend complementing it with clean white furnishings and light-coloured backsplash tiles.

4. Open workspaces with natural lighting

Minimalist Workspace Office interior Design

Even before the pandemic struck, we have moved away from secluded cubicles with no access to natural light and towards a more collaborative open workspace as we are living in the era of constant interaction and communication. Desks with low or transparent panels are beneficial because they facilitate circular workspaces and encourage more communication and knowledge exchange. 

Most commercial spaces may not be able to afford full-scale upgrades on a regular basis. Rather, focus on little modifications such as rearranging the furniture or applying a fresh coat of paint. Another element that can elevate your commercial interior design is natural lighting. If you don’t have enough windows to allow natural light into your office space, here are some alternatives you can consider incorporating into your office interior design:

  • Install artificial lighting
  • Use diffused light
  • Plant ground-level trees outside windows that can protect against sun glare

5. Safe and protected workspace

Office Workers with Social Distancing

Today, more firms are reconsidering their office space’s interior design and layout in order to provide a safe environment for their employees. While touchpoints (such as doorknobs and elevator buttons) remain the focus, many businesses are choosing hard surfaces and design components that are easy to clean, disinfect, and maintain. Social distancing signages, hand sanitizing stations, and room capacity limits are also significant office features that help employees feel safe.

Rethinking Your Office Interior Design

It is important for businesses to regularly adapt their interiors to reflect the current tastes of their consumers, visitors, and employees. Current trends in office interior design place emphasis on safety and comfort in light of Covid-19, but other elements like colour, textures and sustainability will surely continue into the future. 

Need help in redesigning your commercial space? Get in touch with us to find out more today!

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