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Singapore Landed House Design: Avoid Making These Renovation Mistakes

Congratulations on purchasing your new property! Now, comes the hard part, turning your landed property into a home. While you want your house to look as pretty as if it just jumped out of an interior design magazine, the process of doing so can be quite challenging if you are new to it. Therefore, before you start your landed property renovation in Singapore, take note to avoid these mistakes for a seamless renovation journey from start to finish.

Neglecting the front porch, side of the house and backyard

Most home interior design magazines tend to focus on the inside of the house, including the hall, dining room, bedrooms and kitchens. It is easy to get caught up in the latest styles and interior design trends and forget about the areas that you first see upon arriving home, like your porch and the side of the house. Even if your home is looking its best, a jungle-like garden in your backyard can also detract from the perfect interiors.

So while you are focused on the renovation and your landed house interior design process, here are some ways you can also show love to your porch and backyard.

  • Add a roof to block the sun
  • Bring in a new seating arrangement to elevate the space
  • Install a swing
  • Incorporate fans to ventilate the area
  • Paint the walls to complement your doors and windows.

Landed house kitchen interior design

Not planning the space properly beforehand

Some think that furniture and appliances come after renovation while others buy them the minute the house’s blueprint has been completed. Purchasing furniture before renovation works when it revolves around items such as tables, chairs and sofas that come in different shapes and sizes and can be adjusted according to your style.

But other appliances like refrigerators, ovens, kitchen stoves and hoods are often placed in specific spots in the house. And since these appliances also have their own exact measurements, there won’t be much room for changes should they be too big or too small for the space.

In such cases, it is important to note down their measurements beforehand, allowing you to set aside enough adjustment space before starting your landed property renovation in Singapore.

Choosing the wrong materials

Material is a key aspect when planning your landed house interior design. Though it might seem like a tiny detail that most people overlook, the wrong material can cause far more serious repercussions than just a clash of designs.

Choosing the right products and materials for your home renovation and landed property interior design in Singapore can directly affect your overall home’s appearance, durability, sustainability, performance and most importantly, completion date. Picking out the wrong materials could result in potential repairs in the future, incurring greater costs and compromising the overall value of your home.

Not embracing variety

When you decide to engage professional help, one of the first things you should collect is a variety of estimates from different reputable contractors. While it can be tempting to go for the first or cheapest contractor, you might be cutting corners with these contractors and miss out on important or even safe features and services that are worth the extra money.

What you should look for are common quotations. If similar numbers keep appearing, this is most likely the true value of the service. From here, you can choose the contractor that you are most comfortable with, but don’t forget to conduct your own research as well.

Landed house interior design not embracing variety

Excessive Customisation

Though it is important to design your house according to your needs, wants and style requirements, remember that not everything complements each other. Picking out contrasting furniture styles may overwhelm and overcrowd.

These mistakes can also go beyond furniture and decor. Some homeowners may go overboard with paint and patterns, especially when they get swept up in beautiful options and architectural details. Do consult a professional who will be able to help you get the look and feel that you desire without cluttering your whole space.

Ultimately, the key to successfully renovating and planning a Singapore landed house design boils down to choosing the right professional help. At Starry Homestead, all our designers are experienced in transforming a space into something wonderful. Want to renovate your landed property? Contact us today to know more about our services and how we can help you elevate your house!

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