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Jing Yi

East Showroom

As an Interior Designer, I love presenting my design to the customer and helping them solve any issues they may have. Till date, I’ve had some memorable projects which include 18 Fernvale Lane. I believe my signature style is Scandinavian and style that incorporates Feng Shui. I look up to the designer Pei Leoh Ming, who is known for his ability to express Chinese culture through design. In order to keep myself active, I usually go for a run or attend boxing classes. I believe in the importance of self-reliance and independence, rather than relying on others. It encourages me to take control of my own life and be proactive in achieving my goals.

Jing Yi

Jing Yi's Projects




We scouted 3 IDs before settling on Jingyi. Her design best fit our preference and needs. We especially like her idea of separating the living room and the rest of the rooms with the hidden corridor door masquerading as the hidden cabinets. Throughout the consultative process, JY has been patient and meticulous in going through with us the design and material elements. Once actual work started, it was quite smooth sailing, and delivered on time for our move-in. The after-service support has also been prompt. Overall we are happy with the way our house turns out.


Thankfully for us, we were put in touch with Jing Yi. She understood our requirements and was able to execute them flawlessly. The design was practical and suitable to our taste. Glad that it was even better than the sketch up. With Jing Yi managing the entire project, there were little to no hiccups throughout the renovation process. In fact, contrary to the horror stories we read online with inexperienced IDs, nothing of that sort happen to us. And the best part of it all, is she has absolutely good knowledge of the must-do for resale. Highly recommended!

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