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Contemporary interior design Singapore

According to the dictionary, the term “contemporary” refers to something that is existing, occurring, of the present time and modern. Contemporary interior design is essentially a style that is rooted in what is popular at the time. It is a style that is constantly evolving and will continue to do so in the future.

Although contemporary interior design may sound fancy, it is a style that creates warm and inviting homes that are perfect for relaxing in. Such homes are also typically clutter-free, lively, and sophisticated.

Did you know? Contemporary interiors are actually common in Singapore but are often mistaken for modern interiors. To find out more about contemporary interior design and how you can adopt this style for your home, continue reading!

What is Contemporary Interior Design?

As mentioned above, the word “contemporary” means “of the present,” making it difficult to accurately define what this style is all about. Contemporary interior design in the 1900s would have included elements of Art Nouveau, Art Deco, and even futuristic design, but today’s contemporary style is defined by simplicity, subtle elegance, clean designs, textures, and minimalism.

The contemporary interior design style will only change with the times, and what is included in the style today may all be eliminated ten years from now.

Characteristics of Contemporary Interiors Today

1. Colour Palette

Characteristics of a Contemporary interior design

In contemporary style interiors, neutral colours are the primary colours used. These colours include black, white, beige, creams, and grey. Although neutrals are preferred, interiors are usually livened up with bright and bold colours that either complement or create an appropriate contrast with neutral colours.

2. Form

Other interior design styles, such as Scandinavian and Wabi-Sabi, place a strong emphasis on function. In contemporary interior design, however, both function and form are equally important.

Contemporary interiors feature a mix of straight and curved lines that can be found in architectural details, furniture, and geometric shapes in wall arts and ornaments. They must complement one another in order to create visual harmony in the space.

Due to the popularity of arches and curves in recent years, these are also elements that can be found in many contemporary interiors.

3. Accessories

Contemporary interior design accessories

Lighting and art are important decorative accessories in contemporary interiors. Consider cove lighting, indirect lighting, or accent lighting instead of installing a single light fixture in each room. Coloured or metallic elements can also be used to enhance the appearance of your light fixtures. If you don’t want to spend too much installing permanent light fixtures, floor lamps and table lamps can also help to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

If you have paintings or art on display, shine a soft spotlight on them to draw attention to them. Large framed artwork can also be displayed on a rug on the floor, while smaller ones can be displayed on a shelf or bookcase. Even though art pieces are great for contemporary interiors, try not to clutter too many pieces in your home. 

4. Furniture

Contemporary interior design favours furniture pieces with sleek and clean designs, those that make a bold statement but at the same time serve their purpose. Consider purchasing designer furniture pieces that will stand out in your home without cluttering your space, while remaining consistent with the rest of the items in your home. 

Consider neutral-coloured natural fabric sofas, chairs with exposed legs, basic and structural bed frames, and tables. Avoid excessive details and instead concentrate on clean, simple lines.

The contemporary interior design draws inspiration and takes its aesthetics from all sorts of styles to create a home that stands the test of time. If you’re a fan of this style, let us help you design the home of your dreams. 

Starry Homestead is a one-stop interior design company in Singapore that offers customised renovation solutions. Transform your space into something wonderful today. 

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