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Retail interior design Singapore

Retail interior design has a major influence on attracting and retaining customers. Retail outlets must work harder to attract the attention of passers-by, especially in a digital world where consumers prefer to shop online rather than in physical stores.

Shopping in physical retail stores is no longer as simple as taking what you need, paying for it, and leaving. Customers are now looking for new experiences, such as Insta-worthy zones, even in retail stores.

Any negative interaction or experience in your store may lead to the loss of your customer base. Learn why retail interior design is so important in Singapore and what you can do to turn a typical shop space into a one-of-a-kind shopping experience that will keep your customers coming back for more.

1. Draws Attention

As most stores in Singapore are located within a mall, retail interior design is especially important. With so many retail outlets, you must compete for customers’ attention by enticing them to enter your store. So, what can you do to differentiate yourself from the competitors in the market?

Good retail interior design is one of the simplest ways to attract passersby’s attention; it’s not about using loud and vibrant colours, but about being unique and interesting enough to pique people’s interest.

Although people usually enter stores based on the products they bring in, beautiful retail interior design can also draw customers in. You can attract the attention of customers through your store’s window display by showcasing the month’s best selling products, or tell a story and evoke emotions with a branding display.

Achieving good retail interior design is not difficult, simply engage commercial interior design services in Singapore and you’ll be in good hands.

2. Guides Your Customer

Imagine shopping in a store with no clear path and products strewn about the place versus one with clear pathways to move around comfortably. Which do you think you’d prefer?

Retail interior design is more than just the appearance of your store; it can also guide your customers through the store without making them feel confused or stressed. When your retail interior design is well optimised, it can even lead to sales. 

When your customers have a pleasant shopping experience in your store, you are more likely to leave a good impression on them. 

Provide a logical path for your customers to follow around your store to improve their browsing experience and to ensure that there is enough space to effectively highlight and showcase your products. Ikea does a great job at this with their furniture showcases; the way things are displayed for you to see actually entices you to buy something. 

3. Retains Your Customer

The atmosphere, lighting, music, and even the scent of your store all contribute to good retail interior design. They can all have an impact on how customers feel in your store and may even help you retain or attract new customers.

A well-thought-out interior with the appropriate ambience allows your customers to quickly immerse themselves in the atmosphere; they may not even realise how much they like it in the store and may browse for longer than necessary.

4. Creates Brand Identity

Finally, your retail interior design reflects your brand’s identity and image. Take Ikea, for example, a Swedish brand that carries a lot of Scandinavian furniture for all types of homes, their brand identity and image is apparent in their store interiors.

Your store’s interior design will change depending on how you want your customers to perceive your brand and the lifestyle you want them to associate your brand with.

Consider warm lights, dim interiors and a light fragrance for association with luxury and regality; bright interiors with neutral-coloured furnishings for a cosy association; airy interiors with pastel cool colours such as green and blue for a refreshing atmosphere. 

Whatever your thoughts are on interior design services, retail interior design is an important part of running a business and should be taken seriously.

Starry Homestead is an interior design company in Singapore that offers residential and commercial interior design and renovation services. Drop us a message to get started on transforming your space today. 

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