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To some people, a home may just be a place they return to after work to freshen up, eat, and rest in preparation for a new day. To others, it may be a place of refuge, a space for your creativity to flow, or a place where your family can bond and have fun together.

For a house to be considered a home, many have said that it would need an emotional connection, a sense of belonging and the love and comfort of your family. It also needs to be a place filled with joy, where you can feel safe and at ease in. 

Regardless of what a home means to you, it is the place you go back to every end of the day, where you spend the bulk of your time doing things that make you happy. If you wish to inject happiness into your home, here are some home interior design ideas we have for you

1. Rich and Vibrant Colours

Colour is a powerful tool in art and interior design; if you’ve heard of the term Colour Psychology, you may be familiar with the psychological impact that colour has on our emotions. 

Certain colours can make you happy, some can make you feel calm, while others can make you feel anxious. Choosing the right colour for your home is immensely important since it will ultimately affect how you feel in your own home. 

Colours that are rich and brilliant, such as bright yellows, warm oranges, and a stunning blue, can make your home appear lively and pleasant. However, if these are not colours that you fancy, then you are better off without them. 

Whether you like bright colours or prefer quiet and soothing colours like a cold grey or a comfortable beige, incorporating colours that bring you joy into your home interior design is a sure way of injecting happiness into your home. You can do so by painting your walls, getting artworks or buying furniture in a specific colour palette. 

Home interior design singapore

Quirky shapes, unique furniture pieces and abstract art are some of the things you can add to your home for a touch of novelty. Although odd shapes and fanciful designs are most suitable for interior design styles such as bohemian, art deco, and eclectic, they can be incorporated into any interior and still look harmonious with the rest of your home.

It has been said that well-decorated spaces, such as those with patterns and intriguing design features, might help you feel more attentive and confident. Furthermore, they make your interior look a lot more cheerful and put together.

If you spot something unconventional while shopping for your home, don’t deny yourself of it and give these pieces a chance to showcase their beauty in your home. You’ll soon be thanking yourself for not passing on them. 

3. Abundant Natural Light

Bright and spacious interiors are an excellent way to bring happiness into your home and boost your mood. Simply being exposed to natural light regularly is said to help regulate your body’s circadian rhythms, which improves mood and well-being. 

Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that run in the background of your body’s internal clock to carry out essential functions and processes. According to research, an in-sync circadian rhythm is important for our physical and mental health. 

Natural light may be brought into your home by creating open spaces that allow light to flow. You can also choose to let more light into your home by using day curtains instead of blinds and night curtains, as well as leaving your windows open.

4. Soft Textures and Curved Edges

Curved edges in your home interior design create softness, much like what soft textures such as fluffy pillows and blankets do. They are a lovely addition to any home and can make you feel safe and warm.

When you combine curved edges like arched entrances, bed frames and round tables with soft textiles like a comfy throw on your sofa, it creates a cosy and inviting atmosphere in your home. 

5. Plants

Studies have shown that house plants help to improve your concentration and productivity levels by up to 15%, they also reduce stress levels, boost your mood, lower your blood pressure and make you feel calmer. Besides that, NASA has also said that indoor plants can remove up to 87% of toxins in your surrounding air and water.  

The green colour of plant leaves also evokes a feeling of abundance in you, while making you feel refreshed and at ease. 

There are various indoor plants to pick from, making it easy to incorporate plants into your house. If you do not want to care for a living plant, you can bring in some artificial ones to add some colour to your home interior design. Other plants to consider include lavender, monstera, English ivy, and cactus.

6. Your Preferred Design Style

Home interior design in your preferred style

Last but not least, injecting happiness into your home means having your home designed in your preferred style. When your home contains things that you love and elements that make you happy, it will naturally become your personal mood lifter.

Working with a home designer to create a space unique to you and your family, as well as one that suits your lifestyle habits, is the simplest way to build a home that’s safe and delightful to you.

Creating joy and making your home your happy place isn’t about having to remodel your entire space. It’s about adding the little things that make you happy and creating a space that reflects your personality. 

Whether you’re thinking about renovating your home entirely or thinking about transforming an empty unit into your happy place, Starry Homestead can help you achieve your goals. Starry Homestead is a one-stop interior design company in Singapore that offers customised renovation and home interior design services. Contact us today to speak to one of our home designers

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