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Interior Styling Tips For An Amazing Home Interior Design

Your home interior design reflects your personality. Colours, furnishings, textures and decorations are some of the key elements that determine the overall style of your home. While you may have visualised certain ideal interior designs, choosing the best one can be tricky as there are multiple aspects to take into account. Having an interior design guide is always useful in helping you transform your ideas into reality. As such, we have curated a list of tips here for you:

1. Make use of white space

Monochrome is timeless. Unlike other colours, white can create a welcoming, calming atmosphere. Have a white space in your home? Consider incorporating bold-coloured accessories as white can serve as a neutral base for other colours. The space allows you to play with versatile textures, furniture and drapes for your home interior design. For example, you may place a vibrant couch in a white living room to create impactful visual effects. In addition, white walls accentuate aesthetic value by reflecting lights off them. This makes the space brighter and bigger than it actually is.

2. Choose accessories and furniture of appropriate sizes

Another interior styling tip is to pick the right sizes of accessories and furniture. It is important to ensure the pieces are proportionate to each other. With appropriate sizes of furniture and accessories, a balance in terms of visual weight can be achieved. Here is a guide to help you figure out what furniture and accessory sizes are ideal for your space:

  • Determine the purpose of each space

This helps you to better understand your needs and decide on the size of furniture that suits your home interior design best. For instance, should you convert your living room into a home office, finding the right sized working desk is vital.

  • Measure your space

Measuring your ceiling height and wall length is essential to prevent purchasing expensive furniture that fails to fit into a space. In addition, note where all your doorways and windows are to avoid blocking them. 

3. Embrace imperfection

Instead of struggling to make your home interior look as perfect as possible, embracing imperfection sometimes brings dynamic and depth to your space. Let go of the urge to stay abreast with trends or constantly change things up and focus on your needs and preferences instead.

4. Take note of small details

Even the slightest details can improve the overall theme of your home interior design. When these details come together in a space, they create a significant impact. Neglecting the nitty-gritty may result in your home interior looking unfinished. Here are several key interior design details that should be emphasised to create the best interior design:

  • Light
  • Furniture
  • Partitions
  • Staircases

5. Layer your accessories

As part of building your home interior from the ground up, layering involves the combination of individual elements to make them work together cohesively. Here are some of the layering tips that you may find helpful:

  • Pick your main colour as a foundation to build layers
  • Consider flooring in layering
  • Add layering in lighting
  • Layer windows with dressings
  • Add layering with artwork
  • Use patterns to create layering

Best Home interior design Singapore Layer your accessories

All in all, styling an amazing home interior design takes time and creativity. By following the tips mentioned above, you should be able to add depth and interest to your space more easily.

At Starry Homestead, we create stylish interior spaces and harmonious sanctuaries for meaningful living or working lifestyles. Call us today to enjoy our personalised interior design and restoration services!

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