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Planning to go on a vacation with your partner but unable to decide on a destination? Amid this holiday season, why not indulge in a vacation right in the comfort of your home? You can easily decorate and transform your house into a romantic holiday resort. And this is not just limited to landed properties or condominiums. You can do wonders with a HDB home too!

Check out how you can transform your home into a perpetual holiday love nest that belongs wholly to you and your partner! Read on for some easy tips!


Personalized wall art

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Wall art and paintings feature cool aesthetics in resorts, which you may recreate easily at home. However, you may wish to create your own wall gallery by featuring photographs of you and your loved ones to boost the love factor, which can also bring happy memories everytime you walk past! PS: It’s super budget-friendly too!


Creating private corners and space

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While the open concept in resorts can make one feel comfortable and carefree, having pockets of private space in your quarters can enhance the ambience and add an air of fun intimacy. To create your own private, intimate and space, use drapes and canopy or create your own bed fort. Satin and silk drapes can provide a more sultry feel while see-through cotton sheer has a softer touch and adds an element of mystery.


Keep out the unnecessary


The bedroom should be a soothing place for a couple, and you should remove the things that take away romance. Just like being in a spacious resort bedroom, you should refrain from having electronics or even pictures of your family in your bedroom. In its place, consider dimmers and soft, luxurious fabrics that can create a perfect scene of comfort and romance.


Create the right ambience with lights


Candlelight dinners are one of the first images that come to mind when one thinks about the word “romantic”, and there’s a cause to it. Lights play an important role in setting the right ambience. While white light are practical for lighting up a room and essential for reading, dim warm glow can create a mood of relaxation and intimacy. So, go ahead and adorn your room with some fairy lights or pretty scented candles.


Love is in the small details

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Ever heard of the quote, “it’s the little things that matter?” You need not repaint your entire home or purchase a brand new piece of furniture. Simply d-i-y your own romantic decor to spruce up your HDB home. It can be as easy as getting a few helium balloons (and tie it with some of your favorite photos), or throwing some flower petals on the bed. No big gestures, just small effort and genuine thoughts from the heart.

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