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4 Things To Think About Before Renovating Your Bathroom

Planning a house renovation? When thinking about your home interior design, the first parts of your home that will come to mind are most likely the living room, bedroom, and dining room. While these are some of the largest areas of your home, another space that is equally important, yet seldom thought of is the bathroom.

A well-designed bathroom with a good layout can promote relaxation while you’re using it, add convenience to your morning and night routines, and even help to improve your quality of life. In this article, we talk about all the things you need to consider before renovating your bathroom.

1. Bathroom Layout & Features

The layout of your bathroom can either offer convenience or add trouble to your daily life. However, due to space limitations in most Singapore HDB flats, the variety of bathroom layouts you can consider is narrowed down to a typical few.

When you’re deciding which layout to build your bathroom in, think about your range of motion during preparation times, as well as the features you’ll need.

For example, if you usually get everything done in the bathroom while you’re getting ready, you’ll need a space big enough for you to move around comfortably, and ample storage space to store all your essentials. Consider adding a shower bench or a small stool that can be stowed away beneath your sink or vanity so that you can get things done while seated.

Bathroom Layout and Features-Home Renovation Singapore

If you have family members who get ready around the same time, you may consider segregating spaces in your bathroom such that while someone is showering, another person can use the toilet or sink.

2. Materials

The bathroom is where lots of water accumulates and moisture damage is unavoidable. Hence, materials chosen for use in this area should be waterproof or water-resistant, be easy to clean, and safe enough for use even when wet—this means they cannot be slippery. Here’s what we recommend.

  • Cabinets: Quality Medium-Density Fibreboard (MDF) or furniture-grade plywood
  • Countertops: Quartz or sintered stone
  • Shower Screens or Dividers: High quality glass
  • Floors and Walls: Glazed porcelain tiles

3. Bathroom Fixtures

Bathroom Fixtures-interior design company

The next aspect of the bathroom you should consider is the fixtures, such as taps, showers, toilet flush, and more. What you select will be based on whether you prioritise comfort or water conservation. But above all, they must be functional and easy to use. If you don’t know how to go about choosing them, consult an interior design company for their professional input. They would know which fixtures will best suit your home interior design and still serve its main purpose.

Learn More: The Importance Of Hiring A Home Designer

4. Design Style

Lastly, consider how you’d like your home to look before deciding what to do with your bathroom. Try your best to match your bathroom interior with the rest of your home to create a cohesive look. For example, if every other part of your home is decorated in a Scandinavian style, you’d want the same applied to your bathroom. While it is occasionally fine to have various parts of your home styled differently, large differences will only create dramatic contrasts that do not look good to the eye.

Design Style-interior design company

The bathroom is where we begin and end our day with a nice warm bath or a little pampering session, and the way it is designed should help enhance your life, not bring you stress. Therefore, one should always pay attention to their home bathroom during house renovations.

Not sure how to get started? Unlock your dream home with Starry Homestead today.

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