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The Importance of Hiring a Home Designer

In a digitalised world where everyone has access to a variety of inspiration photos and digital applications to design their own home interiors, many new homeowners today are beginning to oversee their entire home design and renovation process without hiring a home designer. While this may seem like the wise thing to do to save costs, it actually isn’t.

Designing your own home and overseeing the renovation yourself allows mistakes and errors to be made. This may lead to even more costs and regrets in the future. Hiring a home designer can help you in many ways. Here’s why.

    1. Professional Input Your ideal home should provide comfort and convenience to you and not just serve as a place for rest. In order to create this perfect space for you, a home designer will provide a professional assessment of your situation, needs, lifestyle, hobbies, and personal preferences before designing your home. This home design will not only be a space that you love, but also contain great features and functionality to give you and your family a comfortable and convenient living space.Without knowledge and skills in interior design, it is highly unlikely for you to be able to combine all of your wants and needs into a fully functional and beautiful home. The home designer, however, has the knowledge to provide solutions to help seamlessly integrate all the things you need and love into one space.


    1. Smooth Liaising Process The entire design to completion process requires quite a bit of liaising with contractors for material selection, the construction of cabinetry, and the renovation process. If you’re not familiar with the materials, the processes and the terms used in the industry, there may be communication issues and lots of delay in your home renovation process. A home designer will then be helpful as he or she can act as your liaison, relaying the right information and ensuring that everything is going according to plan.


    1. Access to Resources From floor tiles to unique light fixtures, a home designer has plenty of connections with partners, suppliers and vendors to help you source for a wide variety of materials and furnishings at an affordable price. Some of these things may not be readily available for regular consumers to purchase, you may even have to spend lots of time doing research and contacting multiple suppliers and vendors yourself in order to find what you need.


    1. Complete & Beautiful Designs Many homeowners without prior experience in designing homes may make mistakes with their interior design, such as placing the electrical socket in the wrong place or adding too many design elements or furnishings into their home only to not make use of them. A home designer can help to easily design a fully functional home with zero inconveniences, putting all the things you need in the right place, without you having to spend your time figuring it out yourself.


  1. Minimise Costly Mistakes Lastly, a professional home designer has the ability to design and oversee renovations, identifying minor mistakes and problems, rectifying them with the right solutions quickly before they can turn into bigger issues. This ability can only come with years of experience in handling home renovations. Without the experience, you may not be able to spot problems in your home renovation in time, which may result in mistakes that are irreversible or expensive to resolve.


Planning to renovate your home soon? Starry Homestead is an award-winning interior design firm in Singapore with a team of experienced home designers. Experience a hassle-free home interior design process with us today.

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