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stressed girl at HBD renovation

If you’ve gone through an HDB renovation at least once in your life, you’ll agree that the renovation process is an arduous one that can drain the life out of you. HDB renovations can also be one of the most nerve-racking renovation projects because of the regulations you need to adhere to, as well as the limitations to space and design possibilities.

If you don’t have the assistance of a professional interior design company in Singapore, having to manage your budget and factor in your personal style while creating a design that will best suit your lifestyle habits will be exhausting too. 

Even with the assistance of an interior designer, HDB renovations can be a difficult process if they are undertaken without prior planning. So, we’ve prepared a list of renovation mistakes you should avoid if you don’t want your investment to go down the drain. 

1. Choosing Aesthetics Over Function

Many homeowners place so much emphasis on their home’s aesthetics that they frequently overlook the function of certain items. Your home is supposed to improve your standard of living and be a comfortable place for you to live in, not to obstruct and frustrate your every move.

What’s the point of having a pretty-looking kitchen tap or chest of drawers sitting in your home if it’s not useful and durable enough to serve any purpose? You’d be better off not having them in your home if it’s not useful.

Always compare the options you have and find a balance between aesthetics and functionality. Choose quality, not aesthetics. 

2. Not Doing Proper Space Planning

Prior to design conceptualisation, interior designers will present a space planning proposal to homeowners to outline how the layout of the house will turn out. Your job as the homeowner is to consider your lifestyle preferences and storage needs during this process and change the layout according to what’s most comfortable for you. 

From where your storage cabinets will go to the smallest detail like your power points, everything should be thought through and clearly mapped out for your convenience after renovation. On top of planning where each piece of furniture will go, you should also consider intangible elements like ventilation and natural sunlight. 

Good spatial planning, especially in HDB renovations where space is limited, will maximise every inch of your home so that you can achieve beautiful interiors without cluttering your home.

rattan weave kitchen renovation

When planning for your kitchen renovation, remember to account for space for your appliances, such as your built-in oven, dishwasher and refrigerator. All of your kitchen renovation efforts will go to waste if the appliances you purchased do not fit into the allocated space. 

3. Not Asking For Multiple Quotes

While it may be exciting to get started on your home renovations, don’t just jump into it and pick any interior design company with a portfolio that matches your aesthetic preferences. 

Without getting a few quotes from different interior designers, you won’t know what the typical market rate is and might end up paying more than you have to.

That being said, don’t shortchange yourself by signing a renovation contract with the interior design company that offers you the lowest price. In order to maximise profits, some interior designers may cut corners and provide you with low-quality materials. 

Check for any accreditations or awards, read up on customer reviews and even meet with the interior designers to better understand their work processes. 

When it comes to HDB renovations, make sure you work with an HDB-approved renovation contractor. They are trained to handle HDB renovation projects without compromising safety and jeopardising the building structure. 

4. Using The Wrong Materials

The marble material you chose for your television console may not be the best choice for your bathroom vanity. Different materials have different properties and the materials you choose for one part of your home may not be suitable for another. 

Marble is a porous stone that can be damaged by excessive moisture, installing them in high moisture conditions will only shorten its lifespan. Instead, opt for non-porous materials such as kompacplus, sintered stone or homogeneous tiles in your bathroom.

Always do proper research prior to material selection so that you don’t end up with a kitchen filled with materials that cannot handle the heat and scratches, or a bathroom filled with materials that cannot handle moisture. 

5. Doing Too Much Carpentry Work

Homeowners typically want to maximise their space and create as much storage space as possible within their homes. What they don’t realise is that excessive carpentry work can make an interior look cramped, especially in HDBs with lower ceilings.

While it’s necessary to have storage space in order to keep your belongings neatly organised, it is sometimes preferable to purchase storage furniture off the shelf rather than build cabinets that will remain in place permanently.

With loose pieces of furniture, you can always rearrange them to make room for other furniture when the need arises. Carpentry work will not provide you with that level of flexibility.

There are many things you need to consider even before you speak to an interior designer about your home renovations. From finding out how to choose the right interior design company to work with to preparing for your first consultation, there are foundations you need to lay for your renovation process to go smoothly. However daunting the renovation process may appear, the project can still be a breeze if you work with the right interior designer. 

Starry Homestead is a CaseTrust-RCMA accredited interior design company that offers personalised interior design services, as well as private residential and HDB renovation services to all homeowners. Discover the starry way to make your home shine today!

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