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Home is regarded by many as haven, but danger lurks even in the safest of place. Without proper preventive measures in place, your house may be susceptible to unforeseen hazards. Especially today where the modern family structure sees homeowners working, while a domestic helper takes care of daily household chores. Smart systems thus are a swift way of alerting owners who are away simply via smartphone or mobile device. This way, action can be taken with haste to protect both your precious ones and your personal possessions.

ORVIBO ZigBee Safety Sensors

Constantly on watch around the clock, the range of safety sensors from ORVIBO that comprises smoke, gas and carbon monoxide detectors to SOS button and water sensor keeps your entire living space free of danger.

Smart combustible gas sensor alarm

  • Smart Smoke Sensor

Smart smoke sensor

According to the statistics, there were 338 thousand domestic fire hazards reported last year, and between 60 % to 80% of deaths were related to smoke in the fire. Smoke is typically one of the earliest indicators of an impending fire. This is the reason why devices such as a smoke sensor is important to have in a home. The early detection of a fire could literally make the difference between life and death. One of the devices from ORVIBO – the smart smoke sensor – features a stable and super sensitive photoelectric sensor to provide you with a peace of mind 24/7. A loud buzzing alarm that reaches a scale of 85dB together with its flashing red indicator instantly command your attention – demanding you to take action immediately. Even if you’re not within proximity, owners are able to check the real-time status of the conditions at home from the HomeMate app on your phone.

  • Smart Combustible Gas Sensor

Smart combustible gas sensor

The smart combustible gas sensor is handy for hardworking home chefs. It helps to protect both your family and abode from potential hazards such as an explosion or fire that may be ignited due to the release of combustible or flammable gases. Its sensitive concentration detection feature is able to detect when the concentration of combustible gas is beyond the normal range – triggering the sensor to sound the alarm and immediately pushing the warning message to you via your mobile device. Forget to switch off the gas stove? Homeowners are able to monitor the concentration of combustible gas at home with just a click of a button on your Smartphone. Anywhere and anytime.

  • Smart WIFI CO Sensor

CO sensor

Catering to areas of the home outside of the kitchen, the smart WIFI CO sensor has an in-built high precision electrochemical sensor that detects unusually high concentrations of carbon monoxide indoors. This gas is harmful if inhaled because it displaces oxygen in the blood – thus, depriving your vital organs such as the heart and brain of essential oxygen. Carbon monoxide may be brought about by incomplete combustion from gas stoves in the kitchen, delayed exhaust gas emission from gas water heaters in bathrooms, as well as vehicle exhaust pipes (this pertains to those who own garages). The ORVIBO CO sensor even boasts a nifty four-degree alarm feature, indicating pollution levels that range from safe and mild to warning and lastly, dangerous. It can be wall-mounted, making it great for those with space constraints. If not fixed onto a surface, this handy tool can be easily moved from home to car, or from room to room.

What’s great is that all these different sensors can all be linked as one to allow all-round protection for your home.


ORVIBO ZigBee Security Kit

wi fi camera

motion sensor

The ORVIBO Security Kit comes complete with a ZigBee mini hub, door and window sensors, motion sensor as well as an indoor Wi-Fi camera. The door and window sensors immediately detect if any of these openings have been unlocked or shut; the motion sensor detects movement within proximity via infrared energy; while the Wi-Fi camera lets you watch over your home simply via a smart mobile device. As one, the system helps provide you unparalleled high-level security. Plus, you receive instant notifications wherever you are in the world – giving you ample reaction time should a theft or a mishap occur.

Keep watch of your property, possessions and particularly your precious ones the smart way with a smart security system in place. These devices are always there to keep a lookout when you’re not around – no matter if you want to be vigilant about who’s lurking in the shadows outside or wish to keep an eye out for your nearest and dearest indoors.

For more information, you may refer to their webpage

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