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Interior Design and its Effects on Productivity

As COVID-19 winds down and a larger portion of the workforce returns to the office, there might be an adjustment period to be had as workers transition from the comfort of their own homes to the scrutiny of the office. One way to ease them back into the workplace, or even enhance the workplace experience in order to boost productivity and morale, is through clever utilisation of office interior design in Singapore. Here’s how different aspects of interior design can impact the mood, and by extension, productivity levels of your office staff.

Learn more: Office Interior Design Design: Is It Important For My Business

Colour: Influences the Psychological State of a Person

Colour Influences the Psychological State of a Person-Commercial renovation Singapore

Colour is more often than not, associated with aesthetics and style, but they can also affect the psychological state of a person. For instance, when consulting an experienced interior design firm over your office’s commercial renovation in Singapore, you’ll often be recommended calm colour schemes and neutral shades that work perfectly well in small, enclosed spaces; while vibrant colours can also be used in larger and more open spaces as they can stimulate the creativity of you and your team. If you’re designing a personal office for an individual, you could even go the extra mile to query them on the colours they’d like to have in their own office space. 

Ergonomics: Affects Comfort

Affects Comfort-Commercial interior design Singapore

It might be tempting to populate your office with the cheapest furniture in order to cut costs, but subjecting your staff to prolonged discomfort could lead to a drop in productivity in the long run, reducing output and office morale. Besides investing in furniture, such as office chairs, that are conducive to sit and work on, it’s just as important to ensure that the size of the furniture complements the space well. Good commercial interior design in Singapore gives careful consideration to the dimensions of your office space and organises the workplace optimally — for instance, not getting tables that are too bulky for a narrow aisle, or equipment that requires too much adjustment or moves around too much. Ergonomics isn’t just about the furniture’s comfort level, but how easily it interacts with its user.

Lighting: Influences Mood

Lighting Influences Mood-Commercial interior design Singapore

Lighting is another underrated but highly essential element of commercial interior design in Singapore that impacts productivity. Natural light, for instance, plays an integral role in enhancing the ambience of the office, affecting our mood and reducing symptoms of depression. As most employees tend to stay indoors in the office, it’s important to utilise natural light and its helpful properties, such as improving the energy levels at the workplace. 

Equipment & Technology: Improves Convenience

Equipment and Technology Improves Convenience-Office interior design Singapore

We’re living in the 2023, and just as we surround ourselves with the latest technology through our phones, computers, appliances, and other electronic devices, workers also expect to walk into an equally modern office. For instance, good office interior design in Singapore can help hide cables and wires from the plethora of equipment in your office to create a neat and uncluttered office layout, as well as create sufficient openings around the office to set up multiple WiFi hotspots for a more efficient and convenient workplace. With a neat and optimised office, workers feel more at ease and are able to complete their tasks quicker, resulting in an uptick in productivity.

Decorations: Improve Morale

Decorations Improve Morale-Commercial interior design Singapore

Adding a personal touch to your office space can transform it from a sterile working environment into something that is more warm and inviting, improving your team’s morale and productivity. From Google’s highly customised spaces to allowing workers to decorate their own desks or cubicles, there’s a large spectrum of flexibility you can employ to create a better decorated office. Some ideas include creating private booths with beanbags, rugs, and other creature comforts for employees to work in private if they so choose to; or, taking a leaf out of the playbook of modern offices, installing ping pong tables, game stations, and other outlets for staff to take short breaks and unwind after a stressful day. With an emphasis on mental health in today’s society, there is an even more intrinsic link between one’s mental wellbeing and their productivity. It is definitely a good time to have a commercial renovation in Singapore to cater to the needs of the modern workforce.

Give your office a new lease of life with Starry Homestead, your trusted interior design firm. For more information about our services and portfolio, please visit our website.

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