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Browsing through interior design photos on the internet before embarking on your home renovation project is an exciting process, but have you ever felt as if you want everything you see? Being drawn to all the interior design styles and trends will only leave you in a dilemma when the time comes for you to decide on the style that you truly want for your home.

What should you do when this happens? Cultivating a home design style that resonates with you is a slow process that requires extensive research and thought. Even award-winning interior designers spend hours conceptualising their work.

Although it is a time-consuming process, you will thank yourself for the time and investment when you see your completed home. Here’s what you can do to find a design style that matches you.

1. Discover Your Style

Don’t limit yourself to styles that can only be found in home decors as you begin your journey into the world of interior design. Start by looking into your wardrobe, your favourite style icons, or celebrities.

Take design cues from your personal style, such as the colours, fabrics and patterns you tend to gravitate to, and the clothing styles you always reach for. Do you prefer timeless and minimalist styles, or vibrant and bold prints? Match them to an interior design style with similar characteristics.

Now, take a look at your favourite celebrities, influencers or style icons. Sometimes, you’re drawn to the person you can’t stop admiring because of the overall feeling and vibe they exude. It could be an air of sophistication, a lively and fun personality, or a cool and hip vibe. All of these can be indicators of a synergy you’ll appreciate in your home.

2. Take Inspiration from Various Sources

Visiting restaurants, cafes, museums, or even browsing through Pinterest and Instagram can provide you with fresh perspectives.

Travelling to new places and experiencing the sounds, sights and scents of the interior by being there yourself can inspire you and help you tell a better story with your home’s interior design. Take lots of photos to look back on, and even take some time to write down how you felt in each location because of how it was decorated. 

It could be the warm sun rays shining through the cafe windows that made you feel at home, or the pastel-coloured walls that brightened up your day. These are little details that may influence your design decisions. 

patterned wood interior design singapore

3. Create a Moodboard

Once you’ve gathered enough inspiration and have an idea of how to move forward, put together your own moodboard to see how the elements that you’ve singled out can work together. 

Things you can include in your moodboard include colour palette inspirations, design elements, textures, patterns, and more. This moodboard will also help you to convey your ideas clearly to the interior design company you’re working with.

4. Engage a Professional

Lastly, if you want to save time or design ideas just don’t come easily to you, you can always engage the help of a professional interior design company in Singapore to conceptualise something for you. 

An experienced designer can easily put together an interior design for you based on your lifestyle habits, personal preferences, and needs. After that, you can simply suggest changes to the design.

This method is suitable for those who do not have a strong opinion about their home’s interior design and are open to suggestions from others.

A home is more than just a place for you to rest in. It should be in harmony with your personality in order to provide a comfortable living experience. If you can’t nail down an interior design style that you really like, take the time to go through the steps that we mentioned to discover your own style. 

Starry Homestead is an interior design company in Singapore dedicated to providing stunning interiors to all homeowners. Contact us today to get started on building your dream home. 

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