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landed property for renovation

Being a good neighbour is something that we should all aim to do regardless of where we stay; HDB flats, condominiums or landed properties.

Before moving into your home, most of us would start off with doing some sort of renovation. It can sometimes be very disruptive to our neighbours and could be much worse when it comes to landed property renovations in Singapore. The sheer amount of work that needs to be done, combined with the close proximity of each property, could lead to a conflict.

To prevent neighbourly disputes over renovation work, here are a few things you can do to minimise the amount of discomfort you cause to your neighbours during renovation.

1. Seek Neighbour’s Understanding and Consent

Seeking your neighbour’s understanding and consent prior to conducting renovation works is the first step to becoming a good neighbour. Helping them first understand what will go on is also a way to minimise the amount of conflict that may arise. 

Certain landed property renovation works may require access to your neighbour’s property, may have the potential to cause disruption to your neighbours or even cause damage to parts of their property. In such cases, working out a plan together with your neighbour to ensure that both your interests are safeguarded will be ideal.

Your discussion can include letting them in on the duration of your renovation, the works that will be undertaken, detailing the potential compensation and repair works that may be required post-renovation and seeking written consent should you require access to their property.

2. Conduct Pre-Construction Survey

pre construction survey on landed property renovation

Pre-construction surveys are typically done only when landed property homeowners are planning to demolish and rebuild their homes. However, it is still a useful process to go through even if you’re just doing regular landed property interior design and renovation works. 

Especially in properties such as terrace houses and semi-detached houses, or those who wish to get their swimming pool and landscaping done, a pre-construction survey can help you identify all pre-existing conditions and be used as a reference for any future disputes of damage claims by any neighbours. A qualified person should be hired for this check and a copy of the report should be given to your neighbours for transparency. 

3. Remove Harmful Substances Professionally

Although this is a rare occurrence, some construction materials, especially those in homes constructed decades ago, may contain harmful substances such as asbestos. These substances can cause adverse health effects such as serious lung diseases and should be removed professionally by a licensed removal contractor.

Prior to any renovation, a check should be carried out to determine whether there are harmful substances present. You should also notify your neighbours of the removal work and advise them to stay away from your premises when removal work is being carried out.

4. Engage a Professional and Reliable Company

Engaging a reliable landed property interior design company isn’t only beneficial to your renovation project. It can also help to minimise the chances of a conflict occurring between you and your neighbours. 

From ensuring that processes such as applying for permits, putting up notices in prominent places to inform your neighbours of the renovation, to conducting works that are legally permitted, a professional and licensed interior design company will protect your interests and ensure that processes are followed closely. 

Your neighbours are people you’ll meet on a daily basis for many years to come, so maintaining cordial relations is essential to ensuring that your family can lead a happy and peaceful life. It is also right to be a considerate neighbour; you wouldn’t want to encounter bad neighbours yourself. 

Starry Homestead is a one-stop interior design firm in Singapore specialising in both commercial and residential interior design projects. Contact us today to speak to one of our interior designers and let us sweat the tough parts for you.

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